The aim of our Firm when developing its professional activities is not only providing good economic support to all its members but also promoting the special competence of our attorneys and accountants through the provision of quality services.


We aim at the continuous improvement of an outstanding professional firm to act as a reference in the relevant areas of the services it provides, particularly in those cases where technical complexities demand the responsibility and the expert knowledge of our members.


The Managers of the PSV Firm agree to:
• Exercise our professions based on standards of responsibility and good professional practice.
• Constantly review the accounting, tax and legal regulations of all our clients.
• Increase the productivity of our staff for the direct benefit of our clients.
• Meet the requests of the parties involved and continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
• Achieve profitability according to the investment levels of the Firm in order to ensure the satisfaction of the clients, the owner, the associates and the assistants.
• Promote the commitment of our staff through the provision of trainings and the acknowledgment of their acquired skills.
• Promote awareness of environmental care and social responsibility.